I like The Lost Gold Mine because we find gold and we find a baby fox. It is a cliff hanger because my Grandpa gets stuck in the gold mine and we thought he was not going to make it. Then when he did we were all so happy. Calum Mitchell (with his $10 reward)
I like The Flash Flood because there was a big flood. They were trying to stay away from the high water. My most favorite part was when they had to save the girl in the car and when they had to stay under the cave. The coolest part was when Gus and Luke attacked the mountain lion!
Asher Harris (with his reward)
I love The Flash Flood because of several reasons. One of those reasons is how calm Ethan and Cal were and how they took turns watching the water level and they listened to the radio instead of freaking out. Another one was how resourceful they were. Like how they made a poncho out of a backpack and a fire out of an old nest. The final reason is because of the action. Like The mountain lion fighting Gus. The car rushing through the water. And getting saved by a helicopter. Cara Eileen Mitchell (with her reward)